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My Interests/Aspirations 

I am currently 23 years old and a recent graduate of Kent State University. I tend to think of myself as tenacious, passionate, personable, and adventurous. I use my voice to stand up for what is right and advocate for others which you can view throughout my blog.


I enjoy all things involving fashion, sports, advocacy and traveling but more specifically I love seeing new places for the first time. I cherish those close to me and love anything that involves animals! I have two dogs at home who light up my entire world, a Newfoundland (Blaze) and an English Bulldog (Gus). 


I am a determined individual and put my all into everything that I do. I enjoy learning from my mistakes and am continuously looking for new ways to grow and expand my knowledge. 


When I first enrolled at Kent State University I was not sure where I fit in. I was undecided for two years until I figured out that public relations and communications were where I was meant to be. 


I enjoy that PR/communications can fit into several career paths and that everybody needs it to some extent. As someone with several interests that are vastly different, I feel at home in the PR/communications field. 


Consumers and/or clients need ethical PR professionals to truly listen and understand them which is exactly what I intend to do


I recently graduated from KSU on December 16th and I am beginning my job search journey with excitement. I'm not exactly sure what the future has in store for me, but I can't wait to find out.  

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