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  • Writer's pictureJillian Saliba

From Darkness to Light: Triumph Over Tragedy - A Survivor's Journey

(Gun Violence Trigger Warning)

Bang! Bang! Pop! Pop! Pop!

For a split second, I thought I was hearing fireworks, bright explosions full of vibrant colors, but that's not what I saw when I turned around. I am Jillian Saliba, creator of Chic-Chatter and this is my own personal story.

On the evening of December 6th, 2020 my close friends and I traveled to Pittsburgh to watch a friend perform at his first concert. It was an amazing evening filled with happiness and laughter until later on when our laughs turned into terrifying screams.

After the concert, my friends and I decided to take our friends who had never been to Pittsburgh before to the Mount Washington overlook, where you can see the entire city from the top of the hill.

It was all fun and games listening to music in the car while it was parked in the lot, waiting for the others to get there, but that's when we heard it and our singing voices turned into terrifying screams.

Bang! Bang! Pop! Pop! Pop!

I never thought I’d be in a situation like this, I truly thought I was hearing fireworks outside but why would someone be setting off fireworks around 6:30 p.m. on a Sunday in December? I turned my head thinking I would see colored fireworks in the sky, but I was wrong.

When I turned around in my seat, I saw a car driving around the bend fast, with two guns pointed out of its windows, shooting at everything and anything in sight. Houses, cars, it didn't matter, if it was in the shooters view, it was getting shot.

A split second after I turned my head and saw the car, my friend who was sitting next to me grabbed my jacket and pulled me down to the ground away from the window. During that same second, a bullet flew through the window, directly where my head was and glass flew at the back of my head. In that second, he saved my life.

An image of my car post-shooting. The image showcases the window I was looking out of right before a bullet went through it and glass shattered all over me.
A personal, real image of my car and the window I was looking out of

As soon as the car disappeared our first thought was to get out of there in case they came back and to call the police. It all happened so fast, but it felt like forever at that moment.

When the crime scene van got to the scene, it didn’t feel real. It’s one thing to watch the news and see these horrific things happening but it’s a completely different experience living through something horrific like a drive-by shooting.

My car windows were shattered and there were bullet holes, but the most important thing is that we all made it out alive, safe without any physical injuries. However it breaks my heart to continuously see those who have not survived gun violence, and it is enraging to see the statistics only increasing. Rest in peace to those who lost their lives to gun violence.

“There have been at least 627 mass shootings in the U.S. so far this year, according to the Gun Violence Archive.Kiara Alfonseca, ABC News journalist explained. It makes me sick that there have been more shootings in America this year than days, we need to do better.

Infographic explaining Gun Violence Statistics from 2017-2021: "42,654 people die from gun violence 4,471 are shot & survive but the intent is unknown 16,651 are murdered" and "7,957 children and teenagers are shot in the U.S. (Age: 1-17) 2,029 children and teenagers die from gun violence 6,294 children and teenagers survive gunshot injuries"
Infographic on Gun Violence Statistics from 2017-2021

After the drive-by shooting I hated being in vehicles and the thought of stepping foot outside my home made me sick, but now I feel confident driving alone again and taking myself out to eat. Battling PTSD and constant anxiety can and has been a rollercoaster and I’m starting to trust the ride.

This experience has completely shifted my perspective on life. There have been a lot of ups and downs but I know and trust that something good will come in the future. In the meantime, this experience has truly empowered me to use my voice and become an advocate for people like me, who have struggled and overcame challenging situations.

IT IS OKAY TO NOT BE OKAY! Overcoming obstacles can be scary and challenging no matter how big or small the obstacle is. If you need help it’s okay to ask for it, I encourage you to take that step even if it’s scary.

I still have struggle sometimes processing what I’ve been through and it's been three years. This experience has completely changed my life forever. I still have a long way to go on my healing journey, but I can confidently say I have already come so far.

The obstacles you face shouldn’t define who you are, they should empower you to choose who you want to be. I love the woman I am becoming, but I wouldn’t be where I am now without the challenges I had to face. I’ll be okay and you will too, you just have to believe it.

Be proud of every step you take towards overcoming your obstacles, even the baby steps that don't seem like a lot, they add up in the end. I am Jillian Saliba and this is my personal story on how surviving a drive-by shooting has changed my life.

Online Free Mental Health Resources for Trauma:

Additional Resources:


Francesca Malinky
Francesca Malinky
Dec 08, 2023

So proud of you for sharing this story! You’ve grown so much even in just this last year, and I can not wait to see how you grow even more & make the people around you grow into better people just with your presence. I’m forever proud to be your friend.

Jillian Saliba
Jillian Saliba
Dec 08, 2023
Replying to

You're going to make me cry!!! That was one of the sweetest things I've ever read. That you for always supporting me Francesca!


NVT Spice
Dec 08, 2023

I legit remember this like it was yesterday! There is not a day that goes by that i dont think about this night because not everyone experiences traumatic events in their lifetime and dont wish them on anyone but they definitely take a toll on one’s mental health. Not to mention most people are scared to talk about it. I’m so thankful that you, me and everyone else who came to the concert to support me made it out safe and sound and gave us another chance to be the people we were born on this earth to become! Thanks for shedding light on such a dark situation that should’ve never happened, well said!

Jillian Saliba
Jillian Saliba
Dec 08, 2023
Replying to

Thank you so much DJ, I am so grateful that we are all here today flourishing. We all went through so much that night but we are all here still flourishing and for that I am thankful. You're welcome for talking about such a dark subject, I am grateful to be able to share this story and be an advocate for others.


Tobe Iwelunmor
Tobe Iwelunmor
Dec 08, 2023

Friend here! Everyone handles traumatic situations Differently and I can sadly say that was not my first time being in a situation like that. hearing gunshot from drive bys or gunshots in general can be very triggering because bullets do not discriminate.

Jillian Saliba
Jillian Saliba
Dec 08, 2023
Replying to

I am so sorry that you have been in multiple situations involving gun violence. We should never have to go through situations like these ones.

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