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  • Writer's pictureJillian Saliba

Lost in Transition: Navigating Life After College Graduation

The euphoria of earning a degree frequently gives way to a jarring truth: the uncertainty of what comes next, even as graduation caps are hurled into the air and diplomas are proudly hung on the wall.

This shift into life after graduation can feel like treading unknown waters for many men and women in their 20s, with waves of uncertainty, dread, and confusion crashing on the shores of their goals. In this blog post, we will talk about the pressure young adults face as they venture into a world beyond academics. 

If you’re new here my name is Jillian and I just graduated college. Before graduation, I thought I’d be filled with excitement which I am, but I am also filled with the unsettling feeling of uncertainty. 

Embracing the Uncertainty

While in college, contemplating the future is filled with excitement, pondering questions such as, "Where will I go? What will I pursue?" All while sitting in a classroom filled with 100 other students thinking the same thing. But the feeling towards those questions suddenly shifts when the tassels turn, and caps are tossed in the air. 

While I was in school, I had a tremendous sense of confidence in the knowledge I had learned, but I also felt more apprehensive about the future. I no longer have the controlled atmosphere I did for years, therefore it is up to me to choose my next course of action and work out how to get there.

A motivational message

I'm quickly realizing that college doesn't guarantee automatic success in adulthood, but rather equips you with the tools and knowledge to forge your path. Regardless of the number of classes attended or hours spent studying, nothing truly prepares you for the humbling experience of transitioning into the real world.

I have never felt so lost yet excited at the same time. I’m learning to embrace the uncertainty but that’s one thing college doesn’t teach you. There's immense pressure placed on graduates to figure our lives out right away but the truth is we don’t even know who we are yet, we are literally in our 20s. 

Exploring Your Passions

Additionally, even if it's untrue, I think there's pressure to love and be passionate about your first job after graduation. If you are in your 20s and detest your work, you are not stuck even if it feels that way. You have the power to take control of your aspirations but know it doesn’t happen overnight.

While this transitional period can be overwhelming, it doesn’t have to be. Now is the perfect time to explore your passions, interests and more.

Motivational image that encourages viewers to choose their passion.

Our passions are what light up our souls and motivate us to follow our goals. Whether you are still in college, just graduated, or already have a job, actively pursuing your passions will allow you to build connections with interests, causes and hobbies that not only bring you joy but also a sense of purpose.

Embracing Failure as Growth

The road to success is inevitably filled with obstacles and disappointments. Accept these encounters as chances for personal development and self-discovery rather than seeing them as obstacles. Reframing failure as an opportunity for growth will help you develop resilience and adaptability, two critical skills for overcoming obstacles in your college and/or post-graduation life.

Now is the time to take charge of your life and pursue your happiness. Now is the time to try again and learn from your mistakes. Failure is only a roadblock on the path to accomplishing your objectives; it is not a reflection of your value or aptitude.

Applying to over 50 jobs on LinkedIn without receiving any responses has been a humbling experience, but I recognize that the job market is beyond my control. Rather than let this discourage me, I've taken on a serving/bartending job and discovered new interests such as sewing, exercising, dog training, and more.

Remaining occupied and staying focused on your objectives is crucial, especially during moments of discouragement.

Graphic showcasing when celebrities became successful later in their lives.

If you're already pursuing your career path, I commend you. And if you're not, I still commend you. Each of us has our unique timeline, and there's no need to rush or feel pressured.

There's no shame in taking a job outside of your desired career path to earn income while pursuing your dream job. In my opinion, this demonstrates genuine ambition and commitment to your objectives. Is it intimidating to feel directionless? Absolutely. However, the prospect of discovering your authentic self is undeniably thrilling.

Cultivating a Supportive Community and Practicing Self-Compassion

Making the move to life after graduation can be lonely, particularly if you're struggling with emotions of insecurity and self-doubt. During this time of change, surround yourself with a network of friends, family, mentors, and peers who can provide support, direction and insight.

Finally, remember to be kind to yourself during this transitional period. Instead of comparing yourself to others, celebrate your accomplishments and practice self-compassion. Remember nobody’s path looks the same, it’s okay to make mistakes and you will end up where you’re meant to be if you trust the process. 


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